Kelly Calls on Biden Administration to Immediately Address Record-High Food Prices

Letter outlines steps to crack down on corporate price gouging, cut red tape to alleviate food supply chain challenges

Today, in keeping with his focus on lowering costs for Arizona families and consumers, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly wrote to Secretaries Vilsack and Buttigieg, calling on the Biden administration to take specific, immediate steps to address high food prices facing Arizonans by ensuring big corporations do not artificially raise prices and alleviating the strain on our food supply chain. 

“Arizona families are struggling with rising costs and they deserve action to lower food prices. That’s why I’m calling on the Administration to take steps to crack down on corporations who are raising prices to increase profits, cutting government red tape and improving our supply chain,” said Senator Kelly

In the United States, the increase in food prices has tripled beyond the 10-year average.  In a letter to the heads of the Departments of Agriculture and Transportation, Kelly lays out key ways the Biden administration can help Arizona families squeezed by rising food prices which includes:

  • Cracking down on corporate price gouging and support competition within the meatpacking industry;
  • Cutting red tape to boost the commercial trucking workforce;
  • Reducing costs for fertilizer, pesticides, and fuel for farmers and ranchers
  • Establishing an interagency working group within the Administration’s supply chain task force exclusively focused on lowering food prices for middle class families;
  • Addressing longstanding inefficiencies within agricultural supply chains.

Read Kelly’s letter HERE
