VIDEO: Univision Speaks with Sen. Kelly About How His Plan to Lower Prescription Drug Costs Will Benefit Arizonans

In case you missed it, Univision spoke with Arizona Senator Mark Kelly yesterday about his plan to lower prescription drug costs, which was signed into law, and how it will benefit Arizona seniors. Kelly spoke with Univision ahead of his roundtable conversation with AARP Arizona leaders and Arizona seniors where he heard directly about how this bill will lower costs and help seniors stay healthy. 

Click HERE to watch the interview with Univision

Kelly’s plan, now law as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, will finally allow Medicare to negotiate the price of some of the most expensive prescription drugs, cap the cost of insulin to no more than $35 per month in Medicare Part D, cap out-of-pocket prescription drug costs for Medicare Part D recipients at no more than $2,000 a year, and hold drug companies accountable when they increase drug prices faster than the rate of inflation.  

Earlier this year, Kelly chaired a special Senate hearing in Phoenix where he discussed his plan to lower prescription drug costs with Arizona experts, advocates, and patients impacted by rising prescription drug prices. Kelly worked with colleagues to negotiate this plan last year.

Read a transcript of the interview below:

Anchor: The Inflation Reduction Act which addresses issues such as climate change and health care, is now a reality after being signed by President Biden at a White House ceremony. One of the key players of this bill was Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, who met today to publicize the benefits that this law could bring to our state. Sebastian Carrillo spoke with Kelly exclusively and asked him about the new law, the border, immigration and the elections.

Sebastian Carrillo: President Biden, with his signature, put in motion the Inflation Reduction Act, a key piece of his legislative agenda, and Senator Mark Kelly, Arizona representative in Washington, spoke exclusively with Univision Arizona less than 24 hours after the President’s signing.

Kelly explained that for more than a year he worked on negotiations to control the prices of medicines that many Arizonans have a hard time paying. 

Last April, Univision Arizona witnessed the conversations that the senator had to finally pass this bill and today our cameras witnessed Kelly at a new table, but now, with the measure converted into law, which, as he explains, will give millions the opportunity to afford their medicines.

Alex Juarez: Look, this was a historic moment. We have been fighting for this for many, many years.

Carrillo: The American Association of Retired Persons hosted the event where they highlight that Medicare will now be able to negotiate lower prices with pharmaceutical companies and set a limit on the cost of insulin.

Juarez: If they are taking insulin for diabetes, they will be capped at a maximum of $35 per month. Your annual expenses will not exceed $2,000.[…] 

Watch the full interview HERE.
