Sens. Kelly, Collins Introduce Resolution Declaring Today National Slam the Scam Day

In 2022, Americans lost more than half a billion dollars to government imposter scams

In a bipartisan effort to raise awareness of pervasive government imposter scams, United States Senators Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and Susan Collins (R-ME) led a resolution designating March 9, 2023, as “National Slam the Scam Day.” Kelly and Collins are joining the Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General in organizing efforts to help educate Americans to avoid being defrauded through scams such as Social Security-related and Internal Revenue Service-related government imposter scams.

“Last year, Americans lost almost $509 million to government imposter scams. Our bipartisan resolution serves as an important reminder to keep an eye out for Social Security-related and other government imposter scams. Stay aware and stay safe,” said Senator Kelly. 

“Over the last two years, Maine consumers reported more than 5,500 imposter scams, one of the most commonly reported types of fraud, according to the Federal Trade Commission. “National Slam the Scam Day” provides an opportunity for those on the federal, state, and local levels to raise awareness of government imposter scams with a single message: hang up and tell someone,” said Senator Collins. “Public awareness can help to stop these scams from the start.  Let’s work together to hang up on these government imposters and put them out of business once and for all.” 

According to the FBI’s Internet Crimes Complaint Center, Arizona ranked 10th in the nation for the most elder fraud victims and 8th for the most money lost with $54,441,279 in losses for 2021. 

Countless Americans are targeted by government imposter scams each year, including Social Security-related and Internal Revenue Service-related government imposter scams.  In 2022, there were 191,000 government imposter scams reported to the Federal Trade Commission – estimated to cost victims over $509 million. These scams disproportionately impacted seniors.

The Senators’ bipartisan resolution was co-sponsored by Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Bob Casey (D-PA), and Mike Braun (R-IN).

The full resolution can be read HERE.
