Kelly Statement on Opposing Tulsi Gabbard’s Nomination for Director of National Intelligence

Today, ahead of a vote in the Senate Intelligence Committee, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly released the following statement on his opposition to Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard’s nomination to be Director of National Intelligence:  

“This position decides what intelligence gets in front of the president. It’s critical to our national security and the safety of all of our families. Congresswoman Gabbard has made clear that she lacks the judgement and decision-making to do this job well.  

“Healthy skepticism is a good thing, but when someone consistently embraces sensational, but poorly supported claims while dismissing the thorough assessments of our intelligence community, it becomes dangerous. That’s why I pressed Congresswoman Gabbard during the hearing about her disputing Assad’s use of chemical weapons against his own people in Syria, but rather than ease my concerns, she confirmed them.   

“And there are more concerns I have, ranging from her advocating to pardon Edward Snowden after he gave our national security secrets to the Russians, to her wanting to get rid of intelligence collection tools that are used to prevent attacks on the United States and our servicemembers abroad. While she’s tried to walk away from these statements over the past few weeks to earn votes, her track record of hostility towards our intelligence community is far too long to dismiss.    

“I’ll be voting against her confirmation and have urged my colleagues on the committee to do the same. Whether it’s Congresswoman Gabbard or anyone else, I’ll always work with our intelligence leaders to keep our country safe.”    
