Advisory Groups

Senator Kelly frequently talks with Arizonans who inform his work in the Senate. He meets regularly with nine advisory groups, which include members representing different communities across the state. These advisory groups provide policy recommendations to Senator Kelly and keep him updated on what’s happening in communities across Arizona. Their feedback helps Senator Kelly develop policy and legislative priorities that directly respond to Arizonans’ needs and delivers results for the state.

Since Day 1, Senator Kelly has prioritized hearing from Arizonans directly. His very first meeting as a Senator in December 2020 was with Arizonans impacted by COVID-19 — to discuss what can be done to keep families and small businesses afloat as we worked to overcome the pandemic and get our economy back on track.

Senator Kelly meeting with Arizonans directly impacted by COVID-19.

Senior Citizens Advisory Group

Senator Kelly volunteering to deliver meals to Arizona seniors in need in February 2021.

The Senior Citizens Advisory Group includes advocates and representatives from Arizona’s agencies and organizations serving older Arizonans, including those in tribal communities. Senator Kelly discusses issues with the group that are important to Arizona seniors, such as his work to lower prescription drug prices. After members of the group shared concerns about rural vaccine shortages and meal insecurity early in the pandemic, he secured critical funding for vaccine outreach and meal deliveries.

Seniors Advisory Group
Senator Kelly meeting with his Senior Citizens Advisory Group in February 2021.

Latino Kitchen Cabinet

The Latino Kitchen Cabinet includes Latino leaders and elected officials across the state. They represent health care, environmental, civic engagement, business, and labor communities. Members of this group advise the Senator on key issues affecting the Latino community in Arizona. He championed the Community Navigator Program in the American Rescue Plan after concerns were raised by the group about the difficulties Latino small business owners faced in accessing federal pandemic relief.


As a Navy combat veteran and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Kelly takes seriously his role in ensuring a strong national security and protecting and expanding Arizona’s critical role in it. Senator Kelly’s Defense Advisory Group represents the major military bases in Arizona as well as defense communities across the state. This group provides him with advice, recommendations, and updates on matters related to our state’s seven military installations, Arizona servicemembers and their families, and their role in our national security.  Senator Kelly receives valuable input from this group during the crafting of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) each year that helps him make sure Arizona’s defense priorities are included in the final bill.


The African American Community Leaders Advisory Group includes faith leaders, education advocates, elected officials, and representatives from local community organizations, such as Arizona’s NAACP branches. They advise and keep Senator Kelly informed on key issues impacting Arizona’s African American community.


Senator Kelly’s COVID-19 Working Group includes members of the scientific community and the public health sector, hospital administrators, and representatives from tribal and rural health communities. This group has met with Senator Kelly frequently throughout the pandemic to discuss the COVID-19 crisis. They have provided him with current case data, information on hospital capacity, vaccine distribution updates, as well as updates on the status of tribal nations and rural communities. After the group brought attention to the lack of resources for local health centers to distribute the vaccine, Senator Kelly secured key funding for Arizona community health centers.

Ranching and Agriculture Advisory Group
Senator Kelly at a Glendale farm speaking with Agriculture Secretary Vilsack and members of his Ranching Advisory Group.

Ranching Advisory Group

The Ranching Advisory Group includes ranchers from across Arizona. Rising food prices has been an issue Senator Kelly works on with members of this group, with a focus on ensuring big corporations do not artificially raise prices. He has successfully pushed the administration on actions to level the playing field for Arizona ranchers and farmers by cracking down on corporate price gouging and supporting competition within the meatpacking industry.


The Farming Advisory Group includes Arizona farmers and other members of the state’s agriculture community. Members of the group have asked Senator Kelly for his help in addressing the impacts of western drought and wildfires. He took their concerns seriously and championed the upgrades for western water systems and resources for wildfire management that were included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law he helped craft. The Arizona Farm Bureau, the Arizona Cotton Growers Association, and the Arizona Nursery Association are among the organizations represented in the group.


Senator Kelly’s Veterans Advisory Group is made up of representatives of the four primary veterans service organizations in Arizona, including veterans in tribal and rural communities: American Legion, American Veterans (AMVETS), Disabled American Veterans (DAV), and Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). After receiving feedback from the group, he introduced legislation to improve accountability and transparency at the VA and expand vaccine access for veterans. He also worked with the group on assisting with the evacuation efforts in Afghanistan.


The Labor Advisory Group represents Arizona unions and the state’s labor community. Organizations included in the group represent a large swath of Arizona’s workforce including carpenters, firefighters, educators, sheet metal workers, government employees, and more.