Kelly Backs PRO Act to Protect American Workers’ Rights, Help Families Get Ahead

Today, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly backed the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2025, or PRO Act, to protect the rights of American workers to organize and help working families get ahead in our modern economy. The bill will make organizing easier for employees, make more workers eligible to join a union, and strengthen enforcement of labor laws against companies that violate workers’ rights, cheat workers out of fair wages, and have unsafe working conditions.    

“I grew up in a union household and it was my mom getting a good union job that really changed things for our family. This was at a time where, if you worked hard and did the right things, you could really get ahead. But now that’s harder for working people, in large part because too much money and power is concentrated in the hands of a few rich people and corporations,” said Kelly. “Right now, President Trump wants to sign another tax giveaway for those same people while he’s going after the rights of workers to organize. I’m backing the PRO Act to support American workers and to make sure families get ahead.”  

See what Arizona labor groups are saying about Senator Kelly standing by workers:  

“Senator Kelly grew up in a union household and knows firsthand how unions can transform lives. They gave his family stability and opportunities, and he understands that strong unions are key to building a thriving middle class. That’s why he’s proud to cosponsor the PRO Act, which will make it easier for workers to join unions, negotiate fair wages, and strengthen the middle class for generations to come,” said Jim McLaughlin, President, Arizona AFL-CIO

“The PRO Act is a game-changer for workers in Arizona as it empowers us to organize and bargain for fair wages, safe working conditions, and a voice in the workplace—free from intimidation and retaliation. As the representative for unions who represent a diverse community of working men and women, from healthcare workers to construction and manufacturing employees, the Arizona AFL-CIO thanks Senator Kelly for supporting this bill so all workers have the freedom to stand together and build a better future for their families and our state,” Fred Yamashita, Secretary Treasurer, Arizona AFL-CIO.  

“Senator Kelly knows firsthand the difference a union job can have on a family; that is why Ironworkers Local 75 is proud to stand with Senator Kelly in support of the PRO Act which makes it easier for Americans to unionize, so they can buy a home, provide for their family and retire with dignity,” said Jason Sangster, Business Manager, Ironworkers Local 75.  

“The Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council appreciates Senator Mark Kelly’s recognition of the importance of strengthening protections for workers through the PRO Act. Ensuring that Arizona’s hardworking men and women have the ability to stand together for fair wages, safe job sites, and stronger workplace rights is critical for the future of our economy. We look forward to his leadership to be a steadfast advocate for Arizona’s workforce and to help ensure that the voices of hardworking men and women are always heard in Washington. We enthusiastically welcome his support to ensure that Arizona’s workforce has the tools and protections necessary to thrive,” said Jeff Holly, President, Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council.  

“Teamsters Local 104 is honored to stand alongside Senator Mark Kelly in support of the PRO Act. As a cosponsor of the legislation, Senator Kelly demonstrates his steadfast commitment to the hardworking Teamsters in Arizona and across the nation. Teamsters plays a critical role in keeping Arizona moving whether on the ground or in the air, and we proudly support this legislation that will benefit working families and strengthen labor rights,” said Karla Schumann, Principal Officer, Teamsters Local 104. 

Click here to read the bill text. 
