WATCH: Kelly Joins Fox News’ Bret Baier to Discuss National Maritime Strategy Report

This week, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly joined Fox News’ ‘Special Report with Bret Baier’ to discuss his bipartisan National Maritime Strategy Report and larger maritime legislation alongside Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL-6). Kelly emphasized that a strong maritime industry is crucial for fueling the economy and enhancing national security and stressed the urgency of responding to China’s growing influence over the oceans.  

In early May, Kelly and Waltz released a report that provides a comprehensive vision for planning guidance, strategic objectives, and actionable steps to revitalize the nation’s maritime sector.  

Sen. Kelly discusses his bipartisan national maritime strategy report on Fox News

Click here to watch the full Fox News interview. Read key excerpts below:    

On the state of the U.S. maritime industry and the urgent need to revitalize it:  

We only have 20 shipyards in the United States that can build ships and most of those have to build Navy ships. So, the Merchant Marine has atrophied. There isn’t the financial imperative, really. If you are, say, somebody who is interested in building ships and turning this into a business—hard to make money right now in the U.S. with a U.S.-flagged, U.S.-crewed vessel. So, we have to change that, we’ve got to change the incentives. We also have to build the workforce. We need about 2,000 more mariners. We need 10,000 more shipyard workers to build the ships. 

On the threat of China over the oceans:  

Right now, if you look at what China is doing with their maritime and naval capacity, just harassing their neighbors. That nine-dash line where they are trying to take over more territory. That’s all about having the maritime capacity to project power. And we have lost that over decades. 
