Kelly’s Bipartisan END FENTANYL Act Signed into Law

This week, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly’s bipartisan legislation, the Eradicating Narcotic Drugs and Formulating Effective New Tools to Address National Yearly Losses of Life (END FENTANYL) Act, was signed into law by President Biden. The END FENTANYL Act will require the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to update its policies at least once every three years to ensure operational field manuals, including their drug interdiction guidance, are up to date. This legislation builds off the 2019 GAO report, “Land Ports of Entry: CBP Should Update Policies and Enhance Analysis of Inspections,” that found drug interdiction guidance has not been updated in 20 years. The END FENTANYL Act was led by Kelly and his colleagues Senators Rick Scott (R-FL), Jacky Rosen (D-NV), Mike Braun (R-IN), and Maggie Hassan (D-NH). Representatives Michael Guest (R-MS-3) and David Trone (D-MD-6) led the charge in the House of Representatives.   

“The END FENTANYL Act is a significant step in the fight against fentanyl trafficking and other deadly drugs that have caused so much harm to Arizona families. It’s an example of the important progress we can make when we work in a bipartisan way. As a border senator, I will continue supporting border communities and ensuring that law enforcement has the tools to go after criminals trafficking drugs and stop fentanyl from making its way into our communities,” said Kelly.  

“For nearly two years, I have been fighting to make my bipartisan END FENTANYL Act law. I am proud that Congress finally passed, and the president signed into law, this important legislation to better combat America’s lethal opioid epidemic. President Biden must do more to secure the border and stop the deadly fentanyl that continues to flow illegally into the U.S. over the southern border and kills tens of thousands of our citizens. I look forward to seeing the Biden administration immediately implement this law and give America’s brave CBP agents the tools needed to keep these dangerous drugs out of our communities. While nothing can heal the crushing heartbreak felt by the hundreds of thousands of families torn apart by fentanyl and who have lost loved ones, the END FENTANYL Act will make a difference in our fight to end the suffering. I am grateful for the strong support of Senators Jacky Rosen, Mike Braun, Maggie Hassan and Mark Kelly, and Representatives Michael Guest and David Trone in getting this done,” said Scott.  

“The overwhelming flow of fentanyl through our southern border is destroying communities and families across Nevada. That’s why I’ve been working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to secure our border and get CBP the resources they need to combat the fentanyl crisis. I’m proud to announce that bipartisan legislation I helped introduce to crack down on fentanyl smuggling at the southern border has been signed into law. I’ll keep working in a bipartisan way to keep families in every community across Nevada safe,” said Rosen.   

“Fentanyl has devastated families in New Hampshire and across the country, and as drug traffickers develop new tactics, we must do more to stem the flow of fentanyl across the border and protect our communities. I am glad to see the President sign into law our commonsense bipartisan bill, which will help ensure that law enforcement is keeping its efforts to stop fentanyl from coming over our borders up-to-date,” said Hassan.   

“Our communities are under attack from deadly fentanyl. The END FENTANYL Act passing is a huge step to solve this problem, and I thank Senator Rick Scott for shepherding this bill through the Senate,” said Braun.   

“It’s time we take a hard stance against the smuggling of this deadly drug. With this legislation, we’re fighting to protect the American people from letting drug smugglers bring fentanyl into our communities. I am proud that the END FENTANYL Act is finally signed into law,” said Guest.   


  • Requires the Commissioner of CBP to review and update the Office of Field Operations’ policies and handbooks, as necessary and at least once every three years in order to respond to illegal activity, such as the trafficking of drugs and humans, along the border.  
  • Requires the Commissioner of CBP to submit a report to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives that summarizes the policy and manual changes every three years. 