Kelly Statement on State of the Union

Arizona Senator Mark Kelly released the following statement after President Biden’s State of the Union address:  

“Tonight, President Biden illustrated the clear choice our country faces between continuing the progress we’ve made over the past few years or going backwards.   

“Lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, rebuilding our water infrastructure, creating great-paying microchip manufacturing jobs—these things don’t happen if Joe Biden isn’t president,” said Senator Kelly, lead negotiator of the CHIPS and Science Act.

Kelly continued, “It’s not enough to say that there’s a problem, the real work is finding solutions. We know what happens when politicians would rather talk about a problem than do anything to solve it. We just saw this when Republicans walked away from a bipartisan agreement that would have provided solutions to fix the border.  

“Arizonans sent me here to get things done, so that’s what I’ll continue to do: working with anyone to grow our economy, keep Arizonans safe, and restore the fundamental rights of women to make their own decisions about abortion.” 
