Kelly, Sinema: Over $13.2 Million Investment Coming to Strengthen Arizona’s Electrical Grid Against Extreme Weather and Natural Disasters from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law led by Sinema and shaped by Kelly provides more than $13.2 million to improve the resilience of Arizona’s electrical grid against disruptive natural events like extreme heat, wildfires, and floods

$13,287,833 will be invested in modernizing and strengthening Arizona’s electrical grid against extreme weather and natural disasters from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law led by Senator Kyrsten Sinema and shaped by Senator Mark Kelly.  

The investment follows a record heat wave in Arizona that strained the state’s electrical grid – and, according to one study, would have killed thousands of people and sent nearly half the City of Phoenix to the emergency room had the city lost power for air conditioning.  

“From devastating wildfires to more severe and frequent periods of extreme heat, Arizona is on the frontlines of the climate crisis and our electrical grid must remain resilient. This investment will strengthen our grid and help keep Arizonans safe,” said Sen. Kelly.  

“In the face of increasingly extreme weather and natural disasters, my bipartisan infrastructure law continues to deliver meaningful results for Arizona and America. Today’s investment will give families and businesses peace of mind that they’re safe and secure no matter what comes their way,” said Sinema, co-author and lead negotiator of the bipartisan infrastructure law.

The funding was awarded through the Department of Energy’s Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grant Program as authorized by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The investment will be used to mitigate hazards such as wildfires, floods, extreme heat, and other events that can cause disruption to the power system.   

Kelly and Sinema’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $65 billion to strengthen electricity grids around the country and promote resilience of power infrastructure – including creating a new Grid Development Authority to build a clean energy 21st century electric grid, and substantial investments in clean energy sources like hydrogen, nuclear, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage.  

Sinema led bipartisan Senate negotiations with Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio that included Senator Kelly and senators from both parties.  

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was supported by groups including The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Business Roundtable, The National Association of Manufacturers, The AFL-CIO, The National Retail Federation, The Bipartisan Policy Center, North America’s Building Trades Unions, the Outdoor Industry Association, The American Hotel and Lodging Association, The National Education Association, as well as hundreds of mayors across all 50 states. 
