WATCH: Kelly Speaks on Importance of His Microchip Manufacturing Plan, Priorities in Conference Committee

Kelly will play a key role in final negotiations of landmark legislation he’s pushed through Congress for over a year

Kelly’s microchip manufacturing plan will lower costs, strengthen supply chains, and create thousands of Arizona jobs

Today, during the first meeting of the bipartisan conference committee tasked with finalizing the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly spoke about the importance of passing his $52 billion plan included in the legislation to boost American manufacturing and research which would lower rising costs, create thousands of high-paying jobs in Arizona, strengthen supply chains, and reduce our country’s reliance on foreign countries for microchip technology that is critical to our national and economic security. He also discussed his other priorities for the conference process, including permanent tax credits for chip manufacturers and including bipartisan legislation he introduced to create a microchip research program at the Department of Energy. 

Kelly speaks about his microchip manufacturing plan during the bipartisan conference committee’s first meeting.

In the coming weeks, Kelly will continue to work with Republicans and Democrats from the House and Senate to finalize this bipartisan legislation where it will then be signed into law. Last week, during debate on the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, Kelly successfully urged members of both parties to back his motion that supports boosting American microchip manufacturing and research. The motion passed the Senate by voice vote, showing the bipartisan momentum behind Kelly’s microchip manufacturing plan that first passed the Senate last year.

Watch his remarks HERE. Read a transcript of his remarks below:

Thank you, Madame Chair. 

For more than a year now, my focus has been on securing critical funding to support our nation’s semiconductor manufacturing, research, and development capabilities. 

Because these tiny microchips are in everything and right now there’s a global shortage. 

This means that consumer goods, like cars and washing machines, are more expensive.  

And it threatens our national security, with production lines for advanced fighter jets and other weapons systems delayed, or reliant on microchips made overseas. 

That’s why I began working – more than a year ago – with Senator Cornyn and Senator Warner to negotiate a $52 billion deal to fund the CHIPS Act programs.  

This will help us build new microchip production facilities here in the U.S., many of them in Arizona.  

And it will help us ensure that the next generation of microchips are discovered right here in the United States. 

Our deal was included in both the Senate and House bill, it has received strong support from Republicans and Democrats, and is supported by business groups, including the Chamber of Commerce, and organized labor.  I’m committed to ensuring we get it over the finish line. 

But while we’ve been working to get this done, the chip shortage has gotten worse. 

So, I also hope this conference committee can go further to support microchip production.  

I hope this package include a 25 percent, permanent investment tax credit to support semiconductor manufacturers, and their suppliers, that chose to invest in the United States. 

I hope it can include bipartisan legislation I introduced with Senator Blackburn to authorize a new microchip R&D program at the Department of Energy.  

And I hope it takes meaningful steps to ensure we have a strong workforce which can support our growing domestic microchip industry now, and into the future. 

Madam Chair, I believe we have no time to waste, and I look forward to working with my colleagues – Republicans and Democrats – in both the House and Senate to get this done. 

Thank you, I yield back. 
