WATCH: Arizona Constituent Thanks Sen. Kelly’s Office for Assistance with Medicare Coverage

In keeping with his commitment to ensuring Arizonans have access to quality, reliable health care, today, Arizona Senator Mark Kelly released a video from constituent Rollonda Daugherty, a Glendale resident who sought assistance from Kelly’s office when her Medicare coverage was terminated. 

Daugherty suffers from a severe pulmonary condition and, as a result, needs constant coverage to maintain her oxygen 24/7 and other medical treatments. Rollonda received a notice of termination from the Social Security Administration after missing one on-time payment. 

Rollonda made the payment to her Medicare coverage the next day and asked Kelly’s office for help to ensure that her Medicare coverage was reinstated immediately. Kelly’s staff intervened on Daugherty’s behalf and her Medicare Part A and B were immediately restored after her payment was received. 

“…I didn’t know how to fight the federal government, so I thought ‘hey, let’s give Senator Kelly’s office a call to see if there’s any assistance they could provide me.’ Well, I made the call, left a voicemail, and within 20 minutes I was so amazed that somebody got back to me. And within a couple of days, I had been informed that my Medicare had been reinstated,” said Daugherty in her video.

Watch Rollonda tell her story and how Kelly’s office helped here:

Kelly’s staff can assist constituents with a range of other federal issues involving veterans and active duty military, Social Security, Medicare, the Small Business Administration, Internal Revenue Service cases, immigration, passports, and others.

Constituents who need help with federal agencies should reach out to Senator Kelly’s office by visiting
